Please use the email link below to request a search of the database.
(I hope to let you do this on site in the future.)
You may specify any combination of the following:
Name of an artist / subject of article(s), the Type of article (Interview, Record review, Opinion), Name of recording, Name of magazine, Date range in years, and/or Name of Writer. You may specify as little as the Name of the artist. (Most writers will have many pages.)
(Please note that individual artists interviewed while they were part of a group are listed under the name of the group. I may revise this in the future.)
Send your search request to:
I will send you information about the pages in the archive which have the content you inquired about.

You can then pay for a detailed listing of the information, including the name of the magazine, date, issue number, and page number of each article that fits your request, at $1.00 per page found in the archive. [Product page: ]
(As you know, magazine interviews and especially record reviews do often not take up an entire page. I charge $1.00 for the information about any part of every separate page. Information about short record reviews that span two pages are charged as 1 page.)
Once you receive the detailed listing, you may request AT NO ADDITIONAL COST a FREE electronic copy of each page that you inquired about.